PA at James J. Hill Days

Providence Academy is literally in the center of things at Wayzata’s James J. Hill Days, Saturday and Sunday of this week.  Our booth is in the marketplace area on Lake Street, and we will love to see PA families.  And, we invite you to be a smiling representative of...

Welcome Home!

We are delighted to see students and families attending orientation today and tomorrow.  Then, on Wednesday morning, we welcome everyone to walk the red carpet in traditional PA style!  We’re so excited.   Please check the Lower, Middle, and Upper...

Gearing Up! And Big Day Thursday!

Wonderful to welcome fall athletes back today!  A sure sign that we’re gearing up for everybody!  And we’re getting excited.  This Thursday, the 15th, is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a holy day of obligation for Catholics.  PA will...
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