Faith Life at Providence
Providence Academy is committed to helping deepen our students’ relationship with Jesus Christ. Through class retreats, weekly Mass, campus ministry, our religion classes, and our faith filled faculty, we recognize our greater purpose and ultimate goal as an institution is to help our students get into Heaven. Our faith and relationship with Jesus is meant to permeate every aspect of our school and can be seen as students pray on the field before a game, sing a prayer of blessing after a week of choir practice, or how students discover the beauty of the Lord in nature through their biology class. We even have a focus on God as students take religion classes every year to further study every aspect of our faith and our fine arts enjoys putting on Christmas concerts and programs when so many schools around us only put on a Holiday or Winter Concert.
Jesus is truly the center all we do here at Providence Academy. At this school, not only can the name of Jesus be mentioned in class as part of a history lesson, but is also named when talking to a student about a struggle they may be encountering. Not only is the work of Jesus taught by looking at the beauty and majesty of all creation, but is taught by looking at the care he gives for the heart of each individual student. Not only is Jesus’s name heard and taught, but He is celebrated and loved.
Prayer and Liturgy
The Mass is offered every school day at 7:40 am (excluding Holy Days of Obligation).
Additionally, students at Providence Academy attend Mass with their class once a week (Monday – Lower School, Tuesday – Juniors and Seniors, Wednesday – Middle School, Thursday – Freshmen and Sophomores). In addition to our scheduled weekly Masses we have all school Masses for all Holy Days of Obligation.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available at various times throughout the week for our middle and upper school students who choose to partake of that sacrament. In addition to our regular confession schedule, we provide all school confession services during Advent and Lent.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
There is Eucharistic Adoration every Friday following Mass until Benediction after school at 3:20 pm.
Parent Bible Study
Providence parents and grandparents of current students and alumni students are welcomed to deepen their faith with other parents and grandparents in the school community through Parent Bible Study.
Experience a guided scripture study group led by Upper School Religion Teacher, Dr. Arthur Hippler, and connect with the Bible in a new and unique way. The Bible Study group meets in the fall and winter on Wednesdays from 9:00-11:10 am.