Middle School – Academics
Being literally and figuratively “in the middle” here at Providence Academy, our Middle School is a place for experiences and academics that enhance a love of learning. Middle School is a time of transition from the foundation of our Lower School and a time of preparation for the move forward to Upper School.
Our middle school philosophy is based on our five guiding Core Virtues: Piety, Loyalty, Respect, Wonder, and Prudence. Utilizing virtue in growth spiritually, academically, socially and emotionally offers a comprehensive and well-rounded approach to teaching young adolescents. The Middle School curriculum promotes students’ academic mastery and critical thinking while continuing to develop their creativity and curiosity.
The middle school journey at Providence Academy is one toward independence and self-reliance in anticipation of moving forward to the Upper School.

The Department of English at Providence Academy teaches great works of Western literature to help students pursue truth and thus improve as human beings. These texts reveal that knowledge of enduring truth is a beneficial thing attainable by human minds and that virtuous actions make greater individuals and build better societies. We require students to discuss these works, grapple with perennial ideas, and engage in the conversation of mankind. We require that students learn the skills of proper grammar, written, and oral expression necessary for them to succeed in this conversation.
-Departmental Mission Statement
Course Listing
- English 6
- English 7
- English 8
Studio Art emphasizes sound drawing techniques in order to develop ideas in all areas of the visual arts. Students apply the principles of art to a variety of projects in an environment where tradition enlightens creativity.
Theatre and production courses analyze the history and theory of performance while developing basic skills in design and technical aspects of theatre. Students present their knowledge and skill through various theatrical presentations.
Music courses teach historical, theoretical, and emotional analysis through performances. Students are encouraged to become comprehensive musicians using these multiple angles.
-Departmental Mission Statement
Required Courses
- CKC Art 6
- CKC Art 7
- CKC Art 8
Full-Year Electives
- MS Chorus and Speech/Drama
- MS Concert Band
- MS String Ensemble – Harmonium
- Music Appreciation/2D Art
-Departmental Mission Statement
Course Listing
- History 6
- History 7
- History 8
-Departmental Mission Statement
Course Listing
- Investigations in Math I
- Investigations in Math II
- Pre-Algebra
- Honors Pre-Algebra
- Algebra I
- Algebra I – Honors
- Algebra II
- Algebra II – Honors
-Departmental Mission Statement
Required Courses
- Physical Education 6
- Physical Education 7
- Physical Education 8
- Health – 7
Full-Year Electives
- Athletics
“It is necessary…that religious instruction in schools appear as a scholastic discipline with the same systematic demands and the same rigor as other disciplines. It must present the Christian message and the Christian event with the same seriousness and the same depth with which other disciplines present their knowledge. It should not be an accessory alongside of these disciplines, but rather it should engage in a necessary inter-disciplinary dialogue.” (General Directory on Catechesis, n.73§5)
-Departmental Mission Statement
Course Listing
- Religion 6
- Religion 7
- Religion 8
-Departmental Mission Statement
Required Courses
- Science 6
- Science 7
- Science 8
Partial-Year Electives
- Industrial Arts
- Wood Shop
- FACS (Family and Consumer Science)
-Departmental Mission Statement
Course Listing
Grade 6
- Latin 6
Grade 7
- Latin 7
- Latin I
Grade 8
- French I
- Latin I
- Latin II
- Spanish II
2024-2025 Middle School Documents
Please use the link below to see downloadable PDFs of MS Required Reading and School Supply Information.
Middle School eBulletin
January’s Medal of Honor Winners
Congratulations to January’s medal of honor winners, 6th grader Tommy O’Grady and 8th grader Mckenna Cantwell! Our 7th grade recipient will be awarded at a later date. These students were nominated by our faculty and were chosen for displaying the virtue of Wonder!
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Spring Parent-Teacher conferences for Middle and Upper School will take place on Thursday, March 6th and Friday, March 7th. Both of these will be non-school days for students, however, students who need to make up work/tests/quizzes or meet with a teacher are...