Parent-Teacher Conferences

Spring Parent-Teacher conferences for Middle and Upper School will take place on Thursday, March 6th and Friday, March 7th. Both of these will be non-school days for students, however, students who need to make up work/tests/quizzes or meet with a teacher are...

Nashville Spring Break

Junior and Senior girls are invited to join Sr. Amelia, Sr. Clare Dominic, and other high school students from Guerin Catholic High School March 26-30 for fun and relaxing days at the St. Cecilia Motherhouse. The trip itinerary is flexible, can include downtown...

Catholic Schools Week in the Upper School

We are excited to celebrate Catholic Schools Week in the Upper School.  Fun activities have been planned to celebrate our pride in Catholic Education.  Below you will find the schedule for the rest of the week. Tuesday Dress – Class Colors – Neck...

Upper School Parent Social: 1/31, 8-10:45 PM

The Upper School Parent Social will take place on January 31st, from 8-10:45 pm, at Luce Line Brewing  All Upper School Parents are invited to a casual PAPA-sponsored parent social at Luce Line Brewing ( on Friday, January 31, 8:00-10:45...
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