All School Forms
On this page you will find documents required for student event participation as well as a collection of general forms for students and parents. Please note that while some forms may be completed online, others may require printing and physical submission.
If you have any questions, please call the Providence Academy Main Office at 763-258-2500 or send us an email.
All School Forms
General Forms and Documents
Records and Transcripts
- Records Release Form for Current or Former LS/MS/US Students
- Transcript Request Form and Instructions
New Student Forms
New Student Forms
This packet contains forms needed by new PA students, including important health forms to be submitted, transportation intent, athletic registration, gym uniform order form and summer reading lists, among others.
Please look for summer mailings from your division for additional information.
Click HERE to access forms.
Lower School Forms
After School
Summer Reading
Middle School Forms
School Supply List
Summer Reading List
General Forms
PE Uniform orders – see All School Forms
Upper School Forms
General Upper School Forms
Summer and Advanced Programs
Academic Disciplinary Guidelines
PE Uniform orders – see All School Forms
Athletics Forms
Health Office Forms
Student Health Forms
For students new to Providence Academy, the following health forms are required prior to starting the school year.
- Health Care Summary Form (physician signature required)
- Student Information Card
- Student Immunization Form
- Immunization Requirements
Kindergarten through 12
Medication At School
All medication must be kept in the health office during the school day. Students need a signed medication authorization form to receive medication from the health office. These forms are submitted yearly. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen may be given to students in grades 6-12 with a parent signature. All other medications, prescription or over-the-counter, require physician and parent signature. EpiPens and albuterol inhalers may be self carried when a medication authorization is on file. Albuterol inhalers for students in Lower School are kept in the health office.
- Authorization for Administration of Medication
- Annual Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen Authorization Form
Please submit an updated copy of your child’s Asthma Action Plan and the Asthma Individual Health Plan each year. Students in grades 6-12 who self carry their albuterol will need to complete the Student Inhaler Agreement. If your physician has not provided you with an Asthma Action Plan and your child may need albuterol or other medication for their asthma, please complete the medication authorization form.
Food Allergies
Please submit an updated copy of your child’s Anaphylaxis Action Plan and Allergic Reaction Questionnaire each year. If your physician’s office has their own version of the Anaphylaxis Action Plan, that is acceptable.
Please submit an updated Treatment Authorization Form from you child’s physician each school year. A meeting with the school nurse will be arranged before the start of the year. In addition, parents will complete a new Diabetic Emergency Plan each year.
Please submit an updated copy of your child’s Seizure Action Plan and Parent Questionnaire each year.
Flu Clinic
Information related to the Flu Clinic, and forms required before attending, may be found on the dedicated Flu Clinic page.