Along with out of uniform days, PAPA will also be serving root beer floats at lunch one day and the students will each get a catch at “stretch” time, as well as daily ticket drawings for prizes at lunch time. 

  • Monday: Out of uniform from neck to waist in spirit wear. Out of uniform shoes. 
  • Tuesday: Out of uniform from neck to waist in supporting your favorite sport, with a jersey, t-shirt or sweatshirt.  Out of uniform Shoes. 
  • Wednesday: Out of uniform from waist to toes to dress for a zoom call. Spirit wear or CSW t-shirt from neck to waist. 
  • Thursday: Mass, full uniform is required. 
  • Friday is our CSW field trip. Students have selected to either go to Powder Ridge to ski/snowboard or to see the movie Dogman and to Urban Air. This is a full out of uniform day, dressing appropriately for the weather and your activity.  If your student is bringing ski/snowboarding gear the trailer will be available, in the front, starting at 8:00 am on Friday.

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