Governor Walz announced his 2026-27 budget recommendations recently, and they call for eliminating all nonpublic pupil aid and nonpublic pupil transportation funding. [].
Providence Academy receives nearly $300,000 yearly in nonpublic pupil aid funded by your tax dollars to underwrite some textbook, nursing, and counseling services. A number of our families utilize Wayzata busing services to and from PA, also funded by their tax dollars, and many more families receive reimbursements for unused public transportation. Many, many parochial and other schools have a pronounced need for such tax-supported services.
Minnesota’s long-standing recognition that nonpublic schools serve the public good is being threatened. Further, the policy proposal is misguided in overlooking the fact that nonpublic schools already save the state about $500 million annually by reducing burdens on public schools.
The Minnesota Catholic Conference provides a handy message to be sent to your state legislators at this link: It is quick and easy to do, and I invite you to join me in doing so.