The Gala is our biggest fundraiser event of the year. We are looking to plan and deliver a memorable event that raises funds for P.A. which benefits the heart of our school, our children.
If you ever thought of having a VIP back stage pass to the ultimate night of the year, NOW is your time to show your passion of giving with your creative talents.
Ladies and Gents, our 2022 Gala is going to be night of ritz and glitz with a Roaring 20’s theme hosted at our beautiful school. Given that this is our 20th Anniversary celebration, it will be the bees knees, the cats meow, the berries…you get it!
Remember FUNdraising has the word fun in it and it wouldn’t be without all the generous behind the scene people like YOU who volunteer!
Now let’s get this party started!
Helpful Info:
- Gala Date: April 30th, 2022.
- Commitment Timeline: Starts in November and goes through the event. Meets once a month on the first Tuesday morning of the month as needed.
- Looking for people with talents and/or passion for one or more of the following: planning, auctions, sponsorships, events, organizing, etc.
Please email Nichole Schelitzche, Gala Chair, at with any questions
Sign Up Here:
- Sponsorship Committee (10 Slots)
- Auction Committee (15 Slots)
- Games and entertainment (15 Slots)
- Décor (10 Slots)