An important part of our Lenten charitable work includes the Family Service Project Day on Saturday, March 1st from 12-2pm.   Families are welcome to stay for the entire time or part of the time as it fits their schedule. Please join us for this special event and give back to our local communities. 

Classroom collections for the Family Service Projects will begin on Monday, February 3rd.

PreK, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grades:  Easter Baskets (goal is to fill 200+ Easter Baskets):

  • Pre-K and Kindergarten:  Bags of pre-wrapped candy (No jellybeans, gum, or loose candy) and Small stuffed animals
  • 1st:  Stickers and crayons/markers (small packages) and Small stuffed animals
  • 2nd:  Small stuffed animals (watch for valentine’s sale stuff or ONE Spot Target items)

3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades:  Ascension Academy Summer Program

  • 3rd:   Washable Markers (classic colors 8pk or 10pk), crayons (24 pack), glue sticks
  • 4th:  Scissors (child), notebooks (wide ruled), Folders and Pencil Pouch
  • 5th:  Washable paint, colored pencils (12pk), regular pencils, big erasers  
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