Parents interested in our annual College Financial Aid Presentation should note that we will host our speaker virtually on Thursday, December 5 at 8:45 a.m. CST via Google Meet.

With the FAFSA opening on December 1, the timely information will be presented by Mr. Chris George, Dean of Admission and Financial Aid at St. Olaf College. Mr. George will lead parents through the financial aid application process, which formally begins in the winter of senior year. He will review the two major financial aid applications, the FAFSA, required by nearly all colleges, and the CSS Profile, a second application required at approximately 300 colleges nationwide (typically well-endowed private colleges that distribute significant institutional funds in the form of need-based grants).

Questions? Please contact Mrs. Hogan.

We also encourage interested families to attend the next installment in the College Aid Pro Webinar Series (note the timely topic with the FAFSA now available), “FAFSA Made Simple: Successfully Navigate the New FAFSA” on Wednesday, December 11, at 6:00 pm CST via Zoom. This is a great opportunity for parents (and interested students) to learn how FAFSA changes will impact your family, as well as tips and details about completing the FAFSA. If you cannot join live, register anyway (using the link above), and you will receive the recording to watch on your own time!

Questions? Please contact Mrs. Hogan.

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