Prom 2022 will take place on Saturday, May 7th at the Doubletree in Bloomington from 7:00 – 11:00 p.m.
All Juniors and Seniors are invited to attend. Sophomores may attend if invited by a Junior or Senior; Freshman may not attend. Students may invite a guest from another school; however, these guests must complete the required “Prom Guest Covenant,” and be currently enrolled in grade 10-12 at another high school.
All PA students who attend the prom will be required to submit a “Prom Covenant” signed by both their parents and themselves when purchasing their ticket. Covenants will be available for pick-up in the US office at the end of the day today.
The cost to attend this formal event is $100.00 per person and will include dinner, dessert, beverages, music, dancing and more! Ticket payment will be added to your student account, so no need to bring cash or check, just the completed Prom Covenant.
Tickets to Prom 2022 will be on sale Wednesday, April 20th – Friday, April 22nd.