We are excited to announce the ability to request school absences through the Absence Request Portal in the Campus Parent app. To submit a request, log in to the app, click “More” in the menu options, and select “Absence Requests.”

You can enter an absence request as soon as you are aware of a planned absence, meaning you can let us know your child will be out of school for a medical appointment or vacation as soon as you schedule it. If your plans change, you can easily modify your request within the app. Additionally, if morning traffic or inclement weather delays your arrival, you can notify us through the Absence Request Portal.

Please note: Absence requests will be monitored until 9:00 a.m daily. For day-of absence requests submitted after this time, or to make changes to an approved absence request, please do so in the following manner:

Lower School: Email Kelly Roles at and your child(ren)’s teacher

Middle School: Call 763-258-5520

Upper School: Call 763-258-5500

We are testing the Absence Request Portal on a trial basis through the end of this school year to evaluate its ease and effectiveness. For families who choose to use the portal, we will greatly appreciate your feedback as we make a decision on whether or not the absence reporting policy will change for the 2025-26 school year. If you prefer to continue calling in your child(ren)’s absence in the meantime, you are welcome to do so.

For detailed instructions on getting started with Campus Parent (online and via the app) and using the Absence Request Portal, please refer to the following links:

Getting Started – Campus Parent
Absence Request Processing

If you have questions or need assistance accessing Campus Parent, please contact Kati Peterson, Registrar, at 763-258-5546 or

Thank you for your cooperation as we explore this new approach to managing absence requests.

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