- Virtual College Conversation for Parents on College Entrance Testing 10/3 at 8:45 a.m.
We invite Upper School parents to sign on for our next virtual College Conversations program this Thursday, October 3 at 8:45 a.m. Use this link to access the program. We will also send out a link to the slide deck after the event for those unable to join the live session. Our topic for this program will be College Entrance Testing and we are excited to welcome back Mr. Ron Michalak, President of Breakaway Test Prep in Minneapolis, as our primary presenter. We look forward to addressing the ever-shifting college entrance testing landscape with the help of Mr. Michalak’s valuable perspective. Contact Mrs. Sarah Hogan with questions.
- College Representatives at PA: We are already receiving requests from college representatives for scheduling daytime visits to PA in September and October. These are scheduled before and after school, as well as during elective periods. Scheduled visits will be included in Naviance Student, the E-Bulletin, announcements, and our PA College Visit User’s Guide (updated here). Additionally, your student will receive a system email from the Naviance platform if colleges on one of their college lists schedule a visit. Approx 85 colleges visit in the fall. More information on college visit procedures will be shared with students in the first days/week of school.
Colleges will also inform our office (and students on their mailing lists) about public information sessions they are hosting in the Twin Cities region. These events are typically held at hotels, public libraries, or schools on weeknights or weekend afternoons. Students will receive information directly from colleges if they are on their mailing lists. Many colleges make note of an applicant’s “demonstrated interest” during admission deliberations. This favors students who have visited campus, attended the college’s visit to the high school, spoken to a college representative at a college fair, or who accepted an invitation to meet with an admission representative during his or her stay in the Twin Cities.
Students will receive information directly from colleges if they are on their mailing lists. Many colleges make note of an applicant’s “demonstrated interest” during admission deliberations. This favors students who have visited campus, attended the college’s visit to the high school, spoken to a college representative at a college fair, or accepted an invitation to meet with an admission representative during his or her stay in the Twin Cities.
The MN National College Fair is scheduled for October 22 at the Minneapolis Convention Center with representatives from colleges all over the U.S. and international institutions.
- College Financial Aid Info. will be shared with parents via virtual College Aid Pro evening sessions with the first installment of the CAP webinar series on FAFSA Essentials (will you be eligible to receive financial aid and how to qualify) will be on September 17 at 6:00 p.m. Regiser Here. Can’t make it live? Register anyway to receive the recording.
- College Visit Field Trip November 7 and 8 (register HERE): PA Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores are invited to a PA-sponsored college trip to Creighton University and Benedictine College – our second annual out-of-state college visit field trip November 7-8 (during the school holiday for parent-teacher conferences). Departure will be at approximately 7:40 a.m. on November 7 and return by approximately 7:00 p.m. on November 8. The cost of $200 will include transportation, meals, and overnight accommodations in Omaha. Our trip will include a special dinner with PA alumni in Omaha, an excellent networking opportunity for students.All students who wish to participate will need to pay a $75 deposit, but this fee will be credited toward the full trip cost. Space is limited, so please respond ASAP to indicate your interest (and a $75 deposit will be charged to your student account).