Our new billboard says it:  Hope.  It’s a theological virtue, infused by God’s grace.  It’s a disposition that recognizes a key truth: we know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.  We at PA are called to be faithful in forming and educating children in God’s purposes, as we are given to know these in Sacred Scripture and the teachings of the Church.  And in everything else, we are called to to offer children a horizon of goodness, truth, and beauty.  Grounded in the virtue of hope, and anchored in faith and love, we can know that all will be well.  No pandemic, no setback, no disappointment can have the last word for those grounded in hope; “fear not!” God and his messengers tell us repeatedly, as they did to Mary, to Joseph, and to the shepherds.  Equipped with this wisdom, our children and young people can be prepared to face challenges of life, and to lead, boldly.  

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