Face Covering Reminders
Additional styles of masks have become available since the start of school. Please be reminded, our face covering guidelines have not changed. Face coverings include a paper or disposable mask, cloth face mask, scarf, gaiter, or bandanna. A face shield may be used as an alternative to a face covering in certain situations. Mesh masks are not approved for use during the school day.
Masks should be a solid color: navy, gold, gray, white, black, or surgical masks (blue, white). PA black-watch plaid or PA spirit masks are also allowed. No messaging, images, or patterns (other than black-watch plaid or spirit masks) are allowed on masks.
COVID Testing Available for Students
In partnership with the Minnesota Department of Education and Department of Health, Providence will offer COVID screening for Middle and Upper School students.
Interested students will pick up their test kit and instructions on Thursday, May 6 from 3:15 to 3:30 outside of the Student Service Office. Testing kits need to be returned to the same location before school on Friday, May 7.
Tests are completed at home through a Zoom call with Vault Health. Instructions will be provided with the kit and are available on the COVID-19 webpage.
Test results are sent directly to the students’ email. Providence does not receive results. Please notify the health office if your child has a positive test result.
If your child has symptoms, please have them test at an MDH community testing site, or another location.
Future testing dates are May 21 and June 4.