In the month of May, all juniors will request letters of recommendation from two faculty members in core academic subjects (English, History, Religion, Science, Math, World Language). Teachers will then compose this summer or in early fall in time for submission to colleges (submission of PA supporting materials to colleges begins October 1, upon request). We will review this process in detail in the beginning of the next Activity Period with the entire junior class on May 4. Our presentation will include important announcements/reminders for advancing in your post-secondary planning process. Keep in mind that November 1, a key college application deadline day for over 90% of PA seniors is now only about six months away! Here we go…
Request Letters of Recommendation
Juniors will follow this process for requesting teacher recommendations for college applications:
• After the May 4 information session, ask your teacher(s) in person to agree to write a letter of recommendation for your college applications.
• After teachers agree to write your letter, complete the Recommendation Request Form/Questionnaire for each recommender (this will be shared with juniors on May 4). All questions are required unless otherwise indicated.
• Take your completed Recommendation Request Forms to your teachers for their signatures. DO NOT leave the completed and signed questionnaire with your teacher. Your request is only complete and official when turned into your College Counselor in the College Center.
Teachers will then compose letters of recommendation during the summer/early fall, uploading them to Naviance by October 1 for inclusion in your digital package of supporting documents (i.e. recommendations, transcript, school profile, etc.) to be sent to colleges by your College Counselor.
Next Round of College Counseling Meetings (parents invited/encouraged to attend)
Juniors should have the following three items completed prior to their next meeting:
• Your List of Colleges (to which you’d like to apply in senior year) in Naviance
• A Resume Draft
• A Summer Action Plan (including college-related tasks, visits, etc.)