Parents who may be interested in a deeper understanding of the current college financial aid process may wish to register for the newly revamped, monthly webinars via College Aid Pro (free to PA parents with our school’s subscription!). Choose the Series That Fits Your Family:
For Parents of Seniors:
Your Step-by-Step Guide to Navigating Senior Year
From understanding financial aid offers to making the final decision, we’ll walk you through paying for college without unnecessary stress.
For Parents of Juniors & Underclassmen:
Your Roadmap to College Success
Learn how to plan ahead, maximize scholarships, and set realistic expectations so you’re fully prepared before senior year hits.
When: The 2nd Tuesday of every month
Where: Online – join from anywhere
Why: Because college should be a smart investment, not a financial burden
Click here to register once for the entire series! If you cannot join live, register anyway to receive the recording to watch on your own time!