By now you have probably heard about the book study: The Temperament God Gave You. Providence is starting another group this January! Please come December 13th at 8:30am, in the Providence board room, to learn about this book study offered for Providence Mom’s.
Grab onto this LIFELINE to connect with other parents who are in the same boat as you this January! Learning about your temperament and gathering together to focus on the deeper meaning of your life as a spouse and parent of small children will strengthen, encourage and renew you amidst these tremendously challenging times! Being a parent is hard and knowing you’re not alone on the journey makes a huge difference!
Join The Temperament God Gave You: A Small Group for Mothers of Young Children. The study meets twice a month just 8 times. Morning and evening groups are available. For more information contact Helen Healy- or Elke Stephan
Register for the groups at: