Attention all Wolf Ridge students and Parents! There will be a MANDATORY student/parent information meeting on Wednesday, April 20, from 7-8 pm in the US Lecture Hall. Mrs. Sheehan and Mr. Rickbeil will be going over the details of the trip, including packing lists, details of the bus ride, behavior expectations and more! Mrs. Sheehan will also be distributing room assignments and class choice lists based on your responses to the google form that was sent to you yesterday. She will also be giving out WR Health Forms that are required for all students and chaperones. Parents are also required to submit an ONLINE Liability form for each of their students who are attending. All participants have been enrolled in the Wolf Ridge moodle page, and that will be the main communication portal for this trip. Parents can log in as a guest with the password “PAWR22” to see all the information that is available.
We are still in need of a few chaperones for this exciting trip. This will be an experience you and your child will treasure forever! Contact Ms. Taylor or Mrs. Sheehan if you are interested.