Dear Lower School Parents,

Warm summer greetings from the Lower School office! I want to offer a special welcome to the  new families and students joining us this fall. I hope that you will soon discover that Providence Academy is a very welcoming environment for students and for parents. I also hope that all families – returning and new – are enjoying days of relaxation and fun with your children. 

While there are still many summer days ahead, in the office we are excitedly preparing for the new school year. In this note you will find information about our plans to begin the school year in the Lower School. There will be more information to share next month just before we get underway.

Upcoming Events

New Parent Orientation presented by the Providence Academy Parent Association (PAPA)

Sunday, 7/30 from 3:00-5:00pm in the PA Performing Arts Center

New parents are invited to attend this presentation by veteran PA Lower School parents. Lots of great information will be shared with you and many of your questions will be answered!

Used Uniform Sale

August 9      

Noon – 5:00 pm  (at 4:30 overlaps with All School BBQ – see below)

The P.A. Parent Association (PAPA) sponsored used uniform sale is a convenient and economical way to find uniform items to start the year.

Important:  Lower School students are not required to change into P.E. uniforms this year. 

For information regarding requirements for shoes, accessories, and other items go to the Dress Code page. 

Please note: Accessories and supplies, including backpacks and lunch bags, are to be free of any slogans or “pop culture” references.

All School BBQ

August 9

4:30 – 6:30 pm

This annual event is a wonderful time for the whole family to meet new friends and visit with old friends!  

Lower School Orientations

The Pre-K Orientation and the Kindergarten – 5th grade Orientation are relaxed times for students to meet their teachers and see their classrooms. Students may bring in items to place in their lockers and desks if they wish to do so. 

Both Orientations are drop-in events and parents stay with their children., Siblings are welcome. 

Kindergarten – Grade 5

Monday, August  28  4:00 – 6:00 pm   – Uniforms are not worn. Dress is casual.


Wednesday, August 30  8:30 am – 10:00 am  – Either uniforms or play clothes may be worn, as PreK students wish. Many are excited to wear their uniforms, but it is not required.

First Days of School (Pre-K has a different first day of school.)

Kindergarten –  Grade 12  – Wednesday, August 30

Pre-Kindergarten – Thursday, August 31

Before School Options

Early Morning Care

Lower School students may arrive as early as 7:30 am for supervised care.  No students will be allowed in the building prior to that time. There is no registration required and no fee for this program.


Providence will be offering a variety of breakfast options each day at 7:40 am – 8:15 am. 

PreK and Kindergarten students must have a parent with them for breakfast. Students in grades 1 – 5 may get breakfast on their own and supervision will be provided for that age group.

Students use their ID cards, kept in lockers, to charge breakfast to the student account. Parents are welcome to purchase a breakfast on their student’s account, too.

After School Options

Late Dismissal

Parents may avoid the dismissal time traffic by arriving at 3:30 – 3:40 pm to pick up Lower School students in grades K- 5. (This option is not available for PreK students.) There is no fee for this service, but students must be registered for the days of the week that they will attend. 

Registration information will be sent to you next month.

Extended Day (after school care)

Online through the Providence Academy website on the  Extended Day page

For additional information see the Extended Day Flyer

Extracurricular After-School Activities

We are working to offer several fun after-school activities. More information will be available at Orientation.

Class Assignments

Lower School Assignments will be finalized just prior to Orientation. Students will receive a letter from their teacher in the mail.

Staffing news

As announced in June, Mrs. Danette Jaeger has taken on the newly created position of  Assistant Director of the Lower School. Mrs. Jaeger’s responsibilities will include a number of administration/management-related duties. Mrs. Jaeger has been a Lower School teacher and the Coordinator of our Extended Day programs for many years.The Lower School teachers and I are very excited to welcome Mrs. Jaeger to this new position and we look forward to the increased support that she will bring to both teachers and students. 

Mrs. Kelly Roles will continue as our invaluable Assistant to the LS Director and will still be the “go-to” person for so many of your questions and needs.

We welcome these new teachers to our Lower School faculty this year:

Mrs. Mary Anne von Dohlen (Art, grades K-3)

Mrs. Alexis Antoskiewicz (Grade 2)

Mrs.Jacquelyn Chatelaine (Grade 3)

Mrs. Patty O’Brien (Grade 4)

Ms. Alyssa Klein (French, grades 3 – 5)

The following teachers have moved to different grade level assignments:

Mrs. Sarah Evens to Kindergarten

Mrs. Betsy Hickert to Kindergarten

Providence Academy Lower School Supplies

Providence Academy will purchase most of the supplies that your child will need. Please do not purchase additional supply items as we will obtain specific materials that the teachers would like the children to use at school. For these items, as well as special project supplies and field trip fees, a  fee is charged to each child’s account at the beginning of the school year.  

The materials that parents should provide are here: LS Suppy List  2023-2024

Providence Academy’s Summer Reading Lists

Please encourage your child to keep reading!

LS Summer Reading List

Mark Your Calendar

Labor Day (no school) – Monday, September 4

Lower (and Middle) School Picture Day – Wednesday, September 6 (in uniform)

Lower School Back to School Night (Parents Only)  – Thursday, September 7

            Pre-K  6:00 pm – 6;30 pm

            All Parent welcome meeting 6:30 pm – 7:00 pm

            K-5      7:00 pm – 8:00 pm (two sessions)


Mrs. Nancy Galgano

Lower School Director

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