We look forward to welcoming all Upper School students for orientation on Tuesday, August 30th. Students who are new to Providence Academy and all 9th grade students will have orientation from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00. These new Upper School students will have an opportunity to meet one another and the Upper School leadership team. Additionally, they will have their picture taken, receive their class schedule and locker assignment, walk through their class schedule to meet teachers, receive textbooks and locate each of their classrooms. Complimentary lunch will be served to these students.
Students in grades 10th – 12th who are returning to the PA Upper School will be required to stop by anytime between 10:00a.m.-12:00p.m. to receive class schedules, locker assignments, set up lockers and have their picture taken. These students will not walk through their class schedule and are free to leave once they have finished all required activities, which should take approximately 30-45 minutes. (Lunch will not be available to these students)
The following are required for all Upper School students on orientation day;
- Students must arrive in full uniform.
- Full uniform includes applicable grooming standards such as clean shaven face and acceptable hair color, length (for gentlemen) and accessories.
- For your review/reference, click this link to reach the Upper School Uniform Dress Code
- Any student who is found to be non-compliant to uniform and grooming standards will not be allowed to have their picture taken.