Looking for a great way to stay in shape this spring? Join the all-female weight lifting club here at PA! The club will be led by student leader Bridget Healy and will be directed by Walker Gotzinger, weight lifting coach. The coach will write up weekly workout plans for the group to follow while in the weight room. Coach Walker will also be present for the entire hour the group meets to help assist with workouts and any questions. The club will meet Mondays and Wednesdays from 4-5PM after school. The group will host its first session on April 4th and its last session on May 25th. The cost will be $300.00 for 15 sessions or $20.00 per session.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact Bridget Healy or Ms. Emmans. Sign up using this link.

A message from the trainer: 
As a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, I am constantly motivated by the desire to influence and inspire each athlete I get to work with. There are not many careers where each day you get to start new, and build upon current, relationships with youth athletes. Each individual offers a unique personality and skill set, and having the opportunity to share some of my own life lessons is something I truly cherish about what I do. As for a little bit about  myself there are only a few things I love more than training – tacos, caffeine, and some trap bar deadlifts.
Walker J. Gotzinger
NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

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