Vaccine Connector

The State of Minnesota has announced the launch of the Minnesota COVID-19 Vaccine Connector, which is a tool that helps Minnesotans find out when, where and how to get their COVID-19 vaccine.

This system is a proactive way for all Minnesotans to indicate their interest in receiving a vaccine, so that when they become eligible, they can be alerted and connected to resources to schedule a vaccine appointment.

In Minnesota, you are eligible now to get vaccinated if you are a:

  • Minnesotan age 65 or older

  • Health care worker

  • Long-term care resident or staff member

  • Pre-Kindergarten through Adult Basic and Community Education school staff member, or contracted school staff member

  • Child care staff member at a licensed and certified child care center or program

All Minnesotans who would like to receive a COVID-19 vaccine should fill out the form to ensure they stay updated on vaccination opportunities in their area when they become available.

As more vaccine becomes available, the Minnesota COVID-19 Vaccine Connector will send you updates about your COVID-19 vaccine eligibility and opportunities to receive the COVID-19.

If you are interested, go to to sign up.

Minnesotans unable to sign up online can have family or friends help them sign up online, or call 833-431-2053 for assistance signing up over the phone. 

CDC – Transmission in K-12 Schools

The CDC recently updated their webpage with the latest science on transmission in K-12 schools. The link is available if you’d like further details.

  • Even though kids can get sick and spread the virus, less than 10% of cases in the U.S. have been in the 5 to 17 year age group.
  • Compared to adults, kids are more often asymptomatic, or have mild, non-specific symptoms. 
  • Kids younger than 10 years old are less likely to be infected than adolescents.
  • In-person learning in schools has not been associated with substantial community transmission.
  • Increases in cases among school kids and school openings do not appear to precede community transmission.
  • Associations between community transmission levels and risk of transmission in school should be considered. If community transmission is high, students and staff are more likely to come to school while infectious.
  • Significant secondary transmission can and does occur in school settings when mitigation strategies are not implemented or followed. In 2020, Israel lifted the mask mandate because of a heat wave and the classrooms were crowded. They closed 2 weeks after they opened. 
  • Multiple studies have shown transmission within schools is typically lower than – or similar to – community transmission when mitigation measures are in place. 
  • Evidence suggests staff-to-staff transmission is more common than student to staff, staff to student, or student to student .
  • Cases in schools do not necessarily mean transmission occurred in school. The majority of cases are brought into school from the community and result in limited spread inside schools when mitigation strategies are in place. 
  • Findings from several studies suggest transmission among students is relatively rare.
  • There is some evidence that COVID may spread more easily within high school settings than elementary school settings.
  • Increased risk of transmission among adolescents may be in part due to more social interaction with non-household members outside of school.
  • Schools that consistently implement mitigation strategies have success in limiting transmission in schools. 
  • Participation in extracurricular activities and sports may increase transmission. 
  • Intense exercise causes heavy breathing which can cause respiratory droplets to travel further. 
  • Conclusion: COVID-19 transmission in schools is associated with community transmission. Spread within schools can be limited with mitigation strategies.


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