February 11th | 6:00 – 8:00 pm | Great Room
The highlight of the winter season for the Lower School!
You will not want to miss this opportunity to play and dance, ‘50’s style, with your children and to meet other Lower School families. Siblings are welcome, too! There will be hot dogs, chips, water, and cookies available for all. Thanks to PAPA for funding and planning this great time. As a special treat again this year, Mr. John “Scooby” Wagner will be our D.J.! ‘50’s style dress is welcome, but not required. So, get out that poodle skirt, or roll up those jeans and come to the Sock Hop!
Please note that P.A. will not be providing supervision, as parent(s) are expected to attend with their children Volunteers: If you are able to volunteer for some light duty to set up or clean up, please sign up here: Sock Hop Volunteers