Please take note of the following information about Simul-Class learning in the Lower School:
- Please write to Mrs. Galgano to request access to the simulcast in the classroom. Teachers are not able to allow students to access the classroom without authorization from administration and you will receive important information about the simul learning experience for your child. You may reach Mrs. Galgano at .
- Students need to be able to be on camera during class at all times and audible to their teacher.
- Students need to use headphones or earbuds while learning via SimulClassroom.
- Please do not use simul-class for family vacations. Similar to other years, students are able to take excused absences from school for scheduled family trips. Broadcasting from a vacation home or a hotel room creates distractions for students learning remotely and students who are learning in the classroom, and it is better to have students catch up upon their return than to use simul-class while on vacation.
- Likewise, if your child is feeling sick, they do not need to use simul-class, and may call in sick if they are not feeling well enough to learn. Although the simul-class equipment we have this year is extremely helpful for students with minor illnesses and quarantines, we encourage students to be absent from school and simul-learning if they are not feeling well.