Request Form for Regularly Scheduled Absence

  • Regularly scheduled appointments (eg. weekly or several times per week.)

Parents should complete and submit a request for excusal for a regularly scheduled absence, tardy arrival, or early dismissal. This would typically be an ongoing medical or therapy or tutoring appointment for a diagnosed health or learning need. Once approved by the administration, the approval will be shared with you and with the student’s teacher. 

  • One time or very occasional appointments do not require form completion, but please be sure to email your child’s teacher and copy Mrs. Roles if you know your child will be late or if your child will leave before the end of the day. 

Students must sign in at the main office and receive a late pass for entry to class when arriving after 8:30 am.  Lower School parents must come into the office to sign their child out when picking up early or leaving for an appointment during the school day. 

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