• Junior College Counseling Surveys

Juniors will need to complete their Junior College Planning Survey in Naviance Student no later than their first individual college counseling meeting. The Class of 2025 will have access to the survey right after Thanksgiving through early January and will be given time to complete their survey in a Thursday Activity Period in early January. 

  • Junior Parents College Counseling Surveys

Parents will receive more information after Thanksgiving regarding the completion of the Junior Parent Survey in Naviance Student.  

  • In the coming weeks and months, we encourage juniors to consider applying for Summer Collegiate Academic Enrichment Programs hosted by a wide variety of post-secondary institutions within and beyond Minnesota.  Deadlines vary, with some program deadlines having already passed and others remaining open into the spring months.  Consult our summer enrichment resource and bring up any questions you have during your upcoming college counseling meeting.
  • Consult the attached document on College Visit Tips for our advice on how to successfully plan and get the most out of your visits to colleges. Keep in mind that Mrs. Hogan or Mr. Wolf are happy to consult on college visit itineraries, whether your family is planning a trip with the specific purpose of visiting colleges or want to visit a college during upcoming vacation travel.
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