The Providence Academy Parent Association is hosting the annual PAPA Gala on Saturday, April 30th. Not only would we love for you to come join us that night, but we would also love it if each family could make a contribution toward your grade level’s silent auction basket!
Below are the grade level basket themes. If there is any theme that you are interested in contributing toward aside from your child’s respective grade, we would happily accept. 🙂
You can contribute toward the basket in 2 ways:
1. Donate an item that fits the theme – bring it to your child’s classroom.
2. Send cash to PAPA through Paypal HERE (this money will be used to purchase items for the baskets) – When using Paypal, please add your child’s grade level(s) in the note.
*If you do not have Paypal, you are also welcome to send in cash. Contact your classroom representative or Lindsey Rymer to donate cash.
We would love to have all contributions by Monday, April 11th.
Thank you for considering!
With gratitude, Lindsey Rymer & Meg Parker