Flu season is again upon us, along with the upcoming holiday season and large get-togethers. The Health Office wants to remind parents and families of the guidelines in which to keep your student home, for their well-being and those of their peers.

Fever – Temperatures of 100 or higher. Students should not return to school until fever free without medication for 24 hours.

Vomiting –Two or more episodes in the past 24 hours. Students should not return to school until the vomiting has stopped or the urge to vomit stops or a medical exam indicates this is not due to a communicable disease.

Diarrhea – Increased number of stools, compared to normal, along with watery stools. Students should not return until the diarrhea stops or until a medical evaluation indicates this is not due to a communicable disease.Parents of US students: If your student is not feeling well while at school, they need to come to the Health Office before calling/texting home. Health Office staff will assess the student and discuss options with them, calling a parent if necessary for the student’s release to go home. Not only do we want to keep our students healthy, their safety is important and both home and school need to be aware of a student leaving campus.

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