Fall 2024 Parent Teacher Conferences for grades 6 through 12 will take place on Thursday, November 7th and Friday, November 8th.  There will be no school for students on either of these days, however, students who need to make up work, quizzes or tests or who schedule time to meet with a teacher are welcome to come to school to do so.

Again this fall, we will provide parents both a virtual and in person option for meeting with teachers. Upper School teachers will be located in the Great Room while Middle School teachers will be located in the lobby of the Performing Arts Center (PAC Lobby) or Middle School Cloister.

As before, all families will need to sign-up in advance for specific conference times with individual teachers of their choosing using “PTC Wizard” online registration for both in-person and virtual conferences.  Registration for both conference dates will open on Tuesday, October 15th at 10:00 AM.  A link to sign up will be sent in the Ebulletin on Monday, October 14, 2024.

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